This is the story of Bryce Faulkner. A story lived by many young gays but not a story often told.
Bryce is gay. After many years Bryce found someone he loved. He decided to come out to his family and move in with his boyfiend. They had been together for about 5 months. With-in that 5 months they fell in love but before he was able to come out to his parents, his mother found his password for his email account and decided it was ok to invade his privacy and read his emails. She found emails between Bryce and his boyfriend (Travis Swanson). Emails that were private and personal. She being a holly roller baptist, would have nothing to do with her son being gay
His Mother, Father and Sister had an "intervention" and told him that if he did not go to an ex-gay program, one of the many put on by the Exodus Christian Ministry,(The one ,many believe, he was sent to is in Pensacola, fl, at the Harvest Outreach Church, 812 N "W" Street Pensacola, FL 32504)they would take away his phone, his car, all his money, stop paying for his collage and put him out in the streets. This is his family. Your family should never disown you and put you out in the streets to die.
Coming from a small town, in Arkansas, he felt he had no option but go to this ex-gay program (many gays that go in to these programs commit suicide because they are made to think they are abominations in the eyes of god). No one has heard from him since. Not his friends or his boyfriend Travis.
Now the family has come out to Fox New and told Fox that this story was made up by Travis and that Bryce went because he wanted to not because he was going to be disowned by his family. His family even made a statement for Bryce, that they said came from Bryce, but Bryce was not there.
Here is what they said Bryce said: "Every decision that I’ve made has been based solely upon my beliefs and I have not been manipulated or coerced by anyone to do anything."
Fox News decided it was ok to publish this 3rd party statement as if it came out of Bryce's mouth.
Here is the link to the story that Fox News put out: Fox News
Here is a link to the save Bryce Faulkner website: ergonomicalministries
I don't want to put thouhts into your head so read the story yourself and decide on your own.