Hundreds of people came out today with a counter message to Phelp's protest against an openly gay student being crowned homecoming king. The students of Shawnee Misssion East and the surrounding community held up signs of love, peace and tolerance.
The Phelp's cult were held to only one corner, while the anti-Phelps protester were able to feel up 3 corners around the school. As you can see the students of Shawnee were not happy at all that Westboro was there.
According to student Jake Davidson, there is a Gay and Straight Alliance at the school and students elected a homecoming king in 2007 who was openly gay.
“Everyone is equal whether you’re gay or straight,” said Davidson, a 16-year-old junior from Leawood and an organizer of the student protest.
“It’s really cool that everyone wants to be involved and take a stand against this. It doesn’t surprise me that everyone wants to help out.”
He said word of the counterprotest ran through the school like wildfire.
“It’s pretty much all anyone has been talking about this week,” he said.
Via KansasCity.com
I would personally like to thank everyone of Shawnee East and the surrounding community that took time out of their day to make of statment of love and peace. What you did today was no small matter. It will be remembered and talked about for many many years to come. Keep that fire you had today inside you at all times and you will change the world.
Thank you,
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