Its so sad to see an organization like Exodus Ministries doubling in size. Exodus makes people hate who they are. We all know that you need to love yourself for who you are. These people want to change everything about you.
They even have a chapter named "Exodus Youth". The teen years are some of the hardest years that a person has to go through. Even more so for a gay teen. There is not alot of support for many gay teens. Yet, there are alot of people out there that tell them they are going to die of Aids and are going to hell. Exodus Youth is one of the worst.
Gay teens have significantly higher rates of both attempts and thoughts of suicide. In his study on gay teen suicide, Patrick Healy concluded that gay teens are "five times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers"(2001). As reported in "Lesbian News", "these youth account for 35% of the American population and 15% of all suicide deaths"(Ocamb 2001). Of the 4,000 students who were surveyed in 1997, 40 percent out of the 10 percent of high school students who attempted suicide were gay. For many gay teens their everyday existence can cause severe psychological damage. When they are at school they are taunted and harassed, and at home if they are not "out" they have the constant fear of "what would my parents say if they new I was gay?" Both of these situations can cause considerable stress on a teen, especially since they have to go through the other stressful problems that all their peers go through. The school environment can be a very unsafe and scary place for an "out" gay teen. Many times they are beaten-up and called names like "fag" "queer" and "dyke". In a survey done last year by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) on 496 gay adolescents "69 percent of gay students reported having been targets of verbal, physical or sexual harassment in school, and that 42 percent said they had been physically assaulted."(Portner 2000) Via Kristin Johnson
Exodus Youth thrives on teens because they have feelings and thoughts that they can not yet understand. Exodus Youth swoops down ,like an angel from heaven, then destroys everything that makes these kids who they really are. They brain wash these poor teens into thinking that what they feel is wrong and a sin. They twist and turn the words of the bible and spit them in the eye of these teens blinding them from the truth. The turmoil that these kids have to go through is so painfull, that many of them end of taking their own lives. All because these gay hating, self-righteous fucks, think they know all, because they "know" God.
Now they are clamming that Exodus has doubled in numbers. Their websight says "In the last six years, the organization has grown from 117 member agencies in 2003 to 234 by 2009."
They claim that they reach over 300,000 people a year, "with a message of hope and freedom through conference events and personal communication with those who call the organization for help each year."
I would like to know how many of the 300,000 people they communicate with try to kill themselves. Organizations like this one should be brought down. We need to start the fight where they began it, With our youth. We need to teach the truth, not the twisted truth. Please if you know a teen that is struggling with being gay or any life problem sit down with them and talk to them. Most importantly listen to them.
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