Lobbyist, Stephen Payne, was interviewed by an undercover investigator of The Sunday Times the other day. He made out to be an interpreter for an Asian politician that wanted to meet with our wonderful President G.W.
Stephen Payne, who sits on the US homeland security advisory council, showed no reluctance in asking for money. It was pretty much just like this. "You want to meet with the president? I want three quartes of a million dollars donated to the George W Bush library."
Oh, but get this, only a third of the money will be donated to the library. The other part of the money will go to his company Worldwide Strategic Partners (WSP). Or should I say it will be going into his crooked, dirty, little pockets?
This is the kind of people that we have running Washington. They are only in it for the money and have no love for our country. This man, Stephen Payne, is one of the worst human beings on the face of the planet. His name should be added to the no flight list. I would like to see him water-boarded. We as a country are not for sale and neither should our president.
Don't think that this only happened during the Bush administration. It is a very common phenomenon. Only this time it was caught on tape. Now our suspicions have been confirmed.
Unlike campaign donations, there is no requirement to disclose the donors to the libraries, no limit on the amount that can be pledged and no restrictions on foreigners contributing. So it has been very hard to bring this despicable act out in the light.
Here are some of the things Payne said.
"The exact budget I will come up with, but it will be somewhere between $600,000 and $750,000, with about a third of it going directly to the Bush library,”.
“Cheney’s possible, definitely the national security adviser [Stephen Hadley], definitely either Dr Rice or . . . I think a meeting with Dr Rice or the deputy secretary [John Negroponte] is possible . . . "
“The main thing is that he [the Asian politician] comes, and he’s well received, that he meets with high-level people . . . and we send positive statements made back from the administration about ‘This guy wasn’t such a bad guy, many people have done worse’
Here is a copy of the video. Take a look at how he sits and talks. This man is suppost to be representing America. What a sad day for us all.
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