Here is an email I got from Exodus Youth the other day. Yes I am on their mailing list. You know the old saying keep your friends close and your enemies close enough to kiss. Well Lets go through this email together. It will be fun.
Are you struggling with pornography? (Why yes I am my computer just can't keep up) Is this something you wish wasn’t in your life but you just can’t seem to conquer it? Well, you’re not alone. (Mmmm, If I was not alone I'm sure I would not have to use porn.)
Personally, I can relate with that feeling of being trapped. I’ve been there and I’ve found ways to get beyond that place of being trapped.(Is he talking about bondage?) With God’s help, there is hope for you, like there was hope for me. (What a fucking limp dick. Always falling on God for help. How about you help yourself and get laid.)
There are a few key things to realize and steps to take…allow me share a few of these things that helped me and countless others.
Realize that this is not just a spiritual issue. The bible says in I Thessalonians 5:23 “be sanctified body, mind and spirit.” So, it would have been a mistake to just keep praying about this or just reading my bible more or talking to my pastor.(Well if his pastor was catholic I'm sure he could have helped a lot more.) All of these were good things for me but I had to take a broader approach.(What a size queen.) Now, whenever temptation comes around, I start by asking myself “What am I feeling?” I do a quick self-assessment(Which means he plays with himself. I'm sure God would not like that, or hell I don't know he just might like watching.) with the word HALTS. H.A.L.T.S., which stand for 9 things: hungry(For some man love), angry(That he is to ugly to get some man love, hence the God fetish), lonely(Look back at angry), tired(Tired of lying about his sexuality), sick(Because his body is short of protein), sad(Well this one is for me. It makes me real sad to see people being brainwashed into thinking being gay is a sin.), stressed(Hell sneaking around trying to get some will make one a little stressed out.), scared(Of someone finding out that cum stain on his bed is not his.) and shameful(I know I would be full of shame if I had a part in so many youths committing suicide.). These feelings and emotions are the undercurrents of lust and porn temptation.(No these feelings are true and natural!)
Have a plan. Once we’ve memorized HALTS and can identify what we are feeling deep down inside(That's what he said), we can choose to meet the valid need that the feeling represents instead of placating or trying to numb that need with lust and pornography.(Instead we should numb our hearts and minds to what is real.) Try it-it works: pick out your most common trigger feelings from the list and create an action plan for yourself that goes something like this: “When I feel (blank)(Horny), I need to (blank)(Get off).” It could sound like this, for example: “When I feel lonely(Horny), I need to connect with a friend(Trick)” or When I feel stressed(Blue balls), I need to do some extra exercise(Whacking it) or deep breathing(I think he means deep throating)” or something like that.(Yeah I like mine better. This guy really needs to get out and meet some people.) You just fill in the blank with something healthy that you know in advance will help you when things get tough.(once again, that's what he said.) From there, it’s just a matter of practice.(I practice everyday.)
3. Cut Your Supply Line.(Ouch!) I had to take the Bible seriously when it says “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off; if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out.”(So does he want us to cut our you know whats off? What a fucking freak!) It’s not talking literally but about a “Radical amputation”(Oh thank goodness.) of sin in our lives. We can help this in two ways: if you use the internet, for example, make sure you have a good content filter that also provides accountability reporting, not one or the other.(Then how am I to look up porn? Oh wait that's right this weirdo doesn't want us to look up porn or be gay or have our own thoughts.We all should be robots of the lord.)
4. Keep Your Life In The Light.(Hell I don't have anything to hide. I love it when the light is on.) Also, regardless of the form of porn you use,(I like midget porn myself.) make sure your life is in the light with at least two other people who are committed enough to help you on a daily or at least weekly basis to fight the temptation.(finally this guy is making since. You should have one or two people daily helping you with your temptation. That way you will not have any temptation left. Have them come over EVERY day EVERY week.) It’s preferable to find a group of people(YES IT IS!) who struggle similarly rather than just depend on one “accountability partner.”(There is nothing wrong with having just one. Just make sure they can help you out like no other can. Hell I got one of those myself!)
Remember, that you have to take positive steps to beat your porn addiction.(Or beat yourself.) With God’s help you can succeed. We were created with a body, mind and spirit so we need to care for ourselves in all three areas, especially when it comes to fighting the temptation of lust and pornography.(If God did not want us to watch porn he would not have made such good looking porn actors.) And we can’t do it alone(well not all the time): no man is an island. So be smart and be brave and don’t forget: If thousands of people in recovery(RECOVERY?!? What the fuck? being gay is not a goddamn disease. Its not like falling down and breaking a hip when your 80. You don't have to fucking go to physical therapy. All you have to do is believe in yourself and know that you are normal. Don't listen to these brainwashed, ignorant, weak, people with no self worth. Listen to yourself and you will never go wrong, because being yourself is not wrong.) like me can live in victory with God’s help and the help of other warriors, so can you, my friend!(Please don't buy into this shit. God Loves you know matter who you are gay, straight, white, black, even, Jayson Graves , the guy that wrote this shit. It does not matter who you are, because you are who you are supposed to be.)
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