We are losing the vote in California. This is not good for any of us. If California , one of the most open-minded states in America passes prop 8, then what hope is their for the rest of us?
Here in florida we are going to vote on amendment 2. Which takes the rights away from all unmarried couples stright or gay. Not that gay couples in florida have any rights as it is, but this will make it virtually impossibly for gays to have any kind of civil rights.
We need to do all we can to make sure that both do not pass. Unfortionaly this takes money. So please donate anything you can for the California adds or for the Florida adds. It does not matter if its a dollar or a hundred dollars. Every dime matters.
I know that money is very tight these days because of the economy. So if you can not donate please let everyone you meet know how important your rights are to you. write your newspaper, a blog, your parents and your friends. Make bulletins and put them up in your neighborhoods. Do what you can. We need all the help we can get from the gay community and friends of the gay community.
Lets make sure that no one takes our rights away!!!
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