There IS hope for all that might be different. The hate law that outlawed people that had HIV to travel to America, which prohibited HIV patients to travel in and out of the U.S. to get treatment, was repealed today.
Today's Paultard Video
Seems like as good a way as any to start the posting again.
Here's our favorite tiny hobbit rambling about how librul schools are
giving vaccines for th...
Listen To This: Eyes On You!
This is so cool!! And unexpected! NVDES start their song May and June off
as a French-inspired indie pop song and finish it off by giving us lounge
and lei...
Will Beg for Caviar
Dear Murray; i hate poor snobs. don’t misread me, i give up my seat to old
people and if a bum says he just wants money for some booze, i’ll buy him a
How Things Work
- is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years
after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of
an ...
Hello Dolly-ing.
Two Manhattans at dinner last night and I had to come home and take a
bubble bath. The hot water helped clear my head and the bubbles made me
feel pretty. ...
The Years Of Writing Dangerously
Thirteen years ago, as I was starting to experiment with this blogging
thing, I wrote the following: [T]he speed with which an idea in your head
reaches th...
Ending Weaponization of the Dept of Justice?
One of President Trump’s promises was to “end the weaponization” of the
Department of Justice. Here’s how that’s going so far. The US Attorney’s
office i...
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